go enter this wonder-lovely contest: bridge across the ocean. eat st. marcelin & macarons & drink brouilly on the isle de la cite. swoon. then repeat. (i also recommend writing love-letter-paper-boats & sailing them off into the seine).
Sunday, June 12, 2011
glittering cities
go enter this wonder-lovely contest: bridge across the ocean. eat st. marcelin & macarons & drink brouilly on the isle de la cite. swoon. then repeat. (i also recommend writing love-letter-paper-boats & sailing them off into the seine).
Sunday, June 5, 2011
blue, heart-shaped rain

it has been pouring in upstate new york for weeks.* if i had a fabulous umbrella (other than the beautiful one from our wedding that i'm afraid to break!) i'd be even more thrilled with all these puddle-jumping & rubber-booted days. in any case, i have to admit: the smell of all the wet grass & newly tarred roadways--amazing. welcome to summer.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
making headlines.

Z & i were in our local newspaper this morning for braving a wind-advisory to be out on an iced-over beach in upstate. it was 50-degrees (though much colder by the water) & wildly difficult to walk around. such beautiful/violent weather. the best part of the photographer finding us out there (alone) was that she was able to snap a polaroid of us together, which pretty much never happens.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
sappy holidays.
i'm not usually a sappy music person. but this cover, used in the current john lewis christmas ads, is really stark in its beauty (& fits my criteria for stunning cover songs). the video makes me miss england, deeply. hope everyone is hanging in--stringing their lives with lights & enjoying the beginning of december's snowglobing.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
exchanging traditions

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
stamps & fishes & words, oh my!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
valentined mail

while i was away in mythaca this weekend (where i attended a poetry reading, caught up & drank bourbon with this amazing lady) a little package arrived for me. a package sent from my valentine! & though i promised myself no opening until after grading (3 papers left, one 2-hour class to go) i can hardly contain myself. soon soon soon. & then i will post some peaks!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
swamp things.
Monday, September 27, 2010
no alarms no surprises
Thursday, September 23, 2010
nova scotia dreaming
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
eating books

i don't know what has come over me these past few weeks. while it is not unusual at all for me to be reading voraciously, eating books, obessing through & through. it is unusual for me to spend all my time (and i mean every free moment) inside of pages. maybe it's something about the chill of september. about being a commuter couple. about needing to read other, more important things than those i use to prep or teach. maybe it's about remembering what language is, does, can do. i admit, i post single books in the "what i'm reading" sidebar. but the reality is, by the time i remember to change them, i've often read two or three other books. or was always reading them all at once. (for the secret record, i am too scared to post titles of super young contemporary poets i am reading, for fear they will google themselves and find the blog. i write this anonymously, as i don't always want my shoes choices up for grabs amidst my writer peers. the writing blog will come. slow. slow as an author page). today i finished this. what a whirlwinding. a life change. a sea change. a sea. i already loved her language. her world view. her microscope lens. but now, now, now. i find myself listening to the futures. to how things have been, will be, become.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
year of the paper
Monday, September 13, 2010
first weeks
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
stop. hammer time.
Monday, September 6, 2010
the last day of summer

dear summer,
Thursday, September 2, 2010
horses of course

me & these pony prix tights need each other. unfortunately, i just don't know if i can pull these off as teaching attire. & teaching attire is all that's in the tiny budget these days. yesterday, while searching for my classrooms after a department meeting, someone asked me if i was a freshman. yikes! i've been trying to figure out how to feel professionally dressed while still looking like myself (not like some weirdo in business clothes). apparently, even all gussied up i look like a student when i'm lost (which is sad, again, for the pony tights & their youthfulness).* it was easier to feel like i could get away with dressy dark jeans at cornell since i was hired to teach after being a grad student there. not so much with the new job. so people--any suggestions?!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
renewing our vow(el)s

after five months of careful setting aside, we finally replaced my lost wedding band. on sunday night we sat down to look through the wedding photos & imagine the day over. & when we were filled up by, brimming over with, on the edges of all that light all over again, we went to the rooftop of our new place & performed a small ritual for the ring renewal. we exchanged vows & made new promises to each other; we blessed our first year & the years to come. while it kills me a little that at the end of our lives Z's ring will have the wear of a full marriage & i will be minus a year--really, it's the kick ass marriage that matters.
I am committed to this joining together of two as two—to the complex connection of tissue and light, which comes with a marriage. I am committed to maintaining the intense, vast, & sometimes-secret universes that we found in each other when we met. I am committed to protecting your solitude in order for our passions to be fulfilled & particularly to protecting the ambition that sparked us into ignition. I am committed to you in moments of disrepair & sorrow, stress & sickness, but especially to making sure there is even more laughter and light in these moments. I am committed to the delicacy & lacing of your heart and its many-leveled chambers. I am committed to loving you through these bright cells of our beginning & into the brighter cells of our growing old together. I am committed to you as memory, as now, & as an unfolding lifetime. I am committed to your more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
Monday, August 30, 2010
bullfighter jacket
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
teen angst

occasionally i feel a bit sad that i didn't meet Z sooner (my parents met at 19 & 21 and my sister & her husband met at 19& 20). i wonder if we would have hit it off as more immature versions of ourselves? here were are, both around 17 or 18. keep in mind, i actually have sort of strawberry dirty blonde curly hair (oh 90s straightening fads). whereas Z's hair is naturally that jet black. (lucky guy--he never had a bad-goth-dye moment). the photo of me was taken just before prom. my friend gloria made the dress & i'm wearing elbow-length white gloves. over my shoulder you can see my high school boyfriend's little brother. the photo of Z was taken while he was recovering from a wild mugging where he was punched while holding a sheet pizza (long story). he ducked under the first swing and was hit by the second. the doctors had to put two metal plates in his face. (his girlfriend at the time didn't visit him in the hospital. which crushes me. obviously, my louis brooks self would have brought him silent films & cookies). on the positive side--while recovering those long hours in bed, Z taught himself sleight of hand magic tricks. like how to pull an egg from his future wife's ear.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
patio games

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
bench marks